We help…
…make the world a better place

The core business of the company solves not only the internal problem of responsible consumption and production in the company itself, but also forms the perception of the use of reconstruction services as a new paradigm for sustainable business development. This meets the needs of the present time, preserving the life support systems, on the condition of which the well-being of future generations depends


Our partners should comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as follow the guidelines and rules concluded regarding the protection and preservation of the environment, including the production, use, storage, transportation and disposal of electronic products.
Manufacturers of electronic and cable products should obtain all necessary permits, licenses and conduct their activities in accordance with the requirements of respect for the environment.
We expect our partners to know and understand the environmental impact of their business activities and, if possible, to implement special policies, programs and provide training for employees and their partners.
Our partners should take into account commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and find ways to use renewable energy sources. These efforts can be supported by environmentally responsible construction methods, environmentally friendly information technologies, waste reduction efforts, electronic document management methods, environmentally friendly products and services, as well as a program to involve employees in environmental protection.
Supervave Group reserves the right to continuously evaluate and monitor the actions of Partners in relation to the rules described above by conducting surveys, visiting partner enterprises to verify business policies and practices, as well as sharing experiences with various initiatives related to compliance with this Code. And also, for its part, undertakes to openly demonstrate compliance with all the principles listed above and strive to continuously improve its performance in relation to corporate social and environmental responsibility.
We believe that our business and our projects inspire people to become better! And together we will definitely make the world a better place!